Perspectives on Health Seminar Series: 2023-2024 Year in Review

Perspectives on Health Seminar Series: 2023-2024 Year in Review

The 2023-4 academic year was the first full year of Perspectives on Health seminars. This past year, eight scholars shared their research and ideas at NYU Shanghai. Speakers included NYU Shanghai faculty members as well as scholars from top universities in China, the United States, and Australia: Brown University, Sun-Yat Sen University, Cornell Weill Medical College, Duke Kunshan, University of New South Wales, and Stanford University. Speakers covered a range of topics including cancer treatment, opioid addiction, HIV testing, and mental health issues in adolescents, migrants, refugees, and in minority communities.

The speaker series brought together people from different academic disciplines and institutions. This past academic year, over 120 people attended the seminars in person and online. The events attracted faculty members from across areas at NYU Shanghai, NYU Shanghai students, and researchers from other universities in Shanghai and beyond.

Speakers and attendees were united by a drive to investigate the social and cultural contexts of health, illness, and medicine, and by a shared understanding that studying these issues requires collaboration, dialogue, and a range of perspectives.

We are looking forward to continuing the seminar series in the upcoming academic year, to encountering new theories and ongoing research, and to inspiring conversations.

Hope to see you in the fall!


Amir Hampel

Coordinator, Perspectives on Health Seminar Series